

Togo is a country in West Afrixa bordered by Ghana, to the west, Benin to the east and Burkina Faso to the north. It extends south to the Gulf of Guinea, on which the capital Lome is located. Togo covers an area of approximately 57,000 square kilometres with a population of approximately 6.7 million. Togo is a tropical, sub-Saharan nation, highly dependent on agriculture with a climate that provides good growing seasons. While the official language is French, there are many other languages spoken in Togo, particularly those of the Gbe family. The largest religious group in Togo are those with indigenous beliefs, but there are significant Christian and Muslim minorities.

From the 11th to the 16th century, various tribes entered the region from all directions. From the 16th century to the 18th century, the coastal region was a major trading centre for Europeans in search of slaves, earning Togo and the surrounding region the name "The Slave Coast". In 1884, Germany declared Togoland a protectorate. After WW I, rule over Togo was transferred to France.Togo gained its independence from France in 1960.

Thanks to wikipedia for info, and Joseph for nice postcard and stamps too! :)

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