
Plateaux Batéké, Gabon

Written and stamped postcard from another missing country - Gabon! I received this postcard yesterday, and was so happy, as it came totally unexpected. The postcard shows a sunset in Bateke Plateau National Park. It's located in southeastern Gabon, covering 2,034 km2. Due to its purported universal cultural and natural significance, it was added onto the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List in 2005. Low population density, abundant natural resources and foreign private invesstment have helped make Gabon one of the most prosperous countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, with the highest HDI and the third highest GDP per capita in the region.
A very very BIG thanks goes to Jean-Pierre and Olivier! You made my day! 


  1. stvarno ti je kolekcija sve finija :)))

  2. Hvala ti puno Agi! <3 Trudim se :)

  3. Jean Pierre kažeš...hmmmm...trebam popričati s njim izgleda :)

  4. haha, nije te valjda zaboravio :D
    meni je inače došla totalno neočekivano, nekad na tuđim blogovima vidim šta je slao drugima, pa i očekujem, ali ovaj put...imao sam se srušiti kad je viđeh :D
